Doulas Need Support Too


My work wouldn’t be as successful as it is without this man's love, support, patience, and understanding. Truly.

Matt Blinn. Friend, partner, husband, co-parent, lover, cheerleader. He’s really great.

On April 28th we’ll celebrate SIXTEEN years of marriage. How are we old enough to celebrate such a milestone?

Sixteen weeks of marriage is an accomplishment, peeps. Years? That’s an even bigger deal.

I wouldn’t say we have an easy marriage. And that’s likely because I am not the easy one to live with, to be in an intimate relationship with, to walk with. But! As cliche as it might sound, our differences really do balance us out. His weaknesses are my strengths and vice versa and in the areas where we're the same (i.e. our stubbornness), we are in a constant season of learning how to flex and flow.

He’s an excellent father to our babies. He’s a fantastic role model of what a provider, a healthy adult male, and a team player is like. The bar is set really high for our kids and the potential partners they might have one day. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I love Matt deeply. I don’t always show it in the ways that best suit his needs and I probably don’t say it enough. I’m trying to be better about both of those things. I am so grateful for the ways he provides for me and our family, the ways he cheers me on, the ways he picks up the slack, the ways he shows up. All the time.

Being the spouse of a labor doula requires a lot. I’m so thankful that it’s this guy that I get to explore and expand with. He really is a gem.


Babies with Reflux


Prenatal Breastfeeding Classes